
5 Reasons Why Quinoa is so Healthy

Quinoa has become a popular ingredient in many healthy recipes in recent years. The small grains have long since arrived in German kitchens as well. This is no coincidence. The South American plant tastes delicious and is loaded with numerous nutrients. Here you can learn more about the fifth greatest health benefits of quinoa.

No 1. Full of important nutrients

Quinoa has experienced an upswing over the last few years that hardly any other food can claim.

Originally native to South America, quinoa served as a staple food for the ancient Incas. The “mother of all grains,” as the name quinoa translates – has been cultivated for more than 5,000 years, but only made a name for itself in the Western world a few years ago.

It belongs to the pseudocereal species. This means that the small seeds of the quinoa plant are prepared very similarly to cereal grains, but they are not related to the classic cereals.

For this reason, quinoa is also gluten-free and provides a different nutritional composition than oats, wheat, spelled and the like.

A very good source of high-quality, plant-based protein is quinoa. In addition, quinoa scores well with abundant iron, folic acid, magnesium, zinc, and manganese. 100 grams of pseudocereal already cover 25 percent of the daily requirement of iron, 50 percent of magnesium, and more than 100 percent of manganese.

It thus makes an important contribution to a wholesome diet. Few other foods are as packed with healthy nutrients as quinoa.

Quinoa is also full of complex carbohydrates. These are slowly released into the blood, providing the body with a long-lasting stream of energy. Ref.


Quinoa is full of important nutrients like iron, magnesium, and manganese. Those who regularly include the pseudocereal in their diet thus ensure a good supply of nutrients and counteract malnutrition

No 2. Source of high-quality protein

There are nutrients that our body cannot produce by itself. We have to take these in through our food. If this does not happen, we run the risk of suffering a nutrient deficiency. Important processes in the body can then no longer run properly.

These vital nutrients include eight essential amino acids. The more of these amino acids there are in the protein in our food, the higher the quality of the protein source.

Quinoa provides all the essential amino acids in one fell swoop and can easily compete with other animal protein sources. In this, it differs from common grains, which do not contain all amino acids.

With more than 14 grams of protein per 100 grams, quinoa makes an important contribution to the protein supply. Only legumes and nuts provide more vegetable protein here. Ref.


Quinoa provides all eight essential amino acids. With 14 grams of protein per 100 grams, it is an excellent source of protein.

No 3. Gluten-free and easy to digest

On average, one in 100 people suffers from the chronic disease celiac disease. Sufferers experience inflammation in the intestines as soon as gluten, a gluten protein, is eaten. Gluten is found in many types of grains, such as wheat, rye, and spelled. Cereals containing gluten must therefore be strictly avoided by those affected.

Those who suffer from celiac disease or have eliminated gluten from their diet for other reasons will find quinoa a wonderful substitute for whole grains. Since quinoa is not related to common grains, it is completely gluten-free and thus can be eaten by sufferers without concern.

Those who rely on pseudocereals rather than gluten-free substitutes, in their diets can dramatically increase their intake of important nutrients and antioxidants, according to the results of recent studies. Ref.


Quinoa is gluten-free and easily digestible. It is therefore the perfect grain substitute and can be eaten without hesitation by people suffering from celiac disease or gluten sensitivity.

No 4. Particularly rich in healthy dietary fiber

Quinoa contains ten to fifteen percent digestive fiber. Unlike carbohydrates, dietary fibers cannot be used by our body as a source of energy. However, they perform another very important function

They serve as a food source for the healthy bacteria in our intestinal flora. A high number of beneficial intestinal bacteria can reduce the risk of developing colorectal cancer. Moreover, dietary fiber promotes bowel movements and relieves constipation.

Other studies show that water-soluble fiber helps lower cholesterol and blood sugar levels. Dietary fiber increases the feeling of satiety and can therefore also support weight loss. Ref.


Quinoa is an excellent source of dietary fiber. High fiber intake is associated with a lower risk of colorectal cancer, healthy blood lipid levels, and stable blood sugar levels.

No 5. Lowers and stabilizes blood sugar levels

Those who suffer from food cravings and obesity should probably take a critical look at their blood sugar levels.

Carbohydrate-rich, highly processed foods such as light bread, white rice, and sweets cause blood sugar levels to rise sharply and then fall again.

The result is fatigue, irritability, and cravings. As a result, many people quickly reach for the same, unhealthy foods again, and the vicious circle starts all over again.

However, those who rely on healthy carbohydrate sources such as quinoa can break out of this vicious circle. With a low glycemic index of 53, quinoa is one of the healthy foods that raise blood sugar levels slowly.

A continuous stream of energy supplies the cells of the brain and muscles with sustained energy. For this reason, complex carbohydrates are always preferable to unhealthy sugar bombs. Ref.


Thanks to its low glycemic index, quinoa is a good source of long-lasting energy. The brain and muscles are optimally supplied with carbohydrates. Thus, cravings and fatigue are counteracted.

Knowledge to go

Quinoa is a gluten-free pseudocereal from South America. It is particularly rich in high-quality vegetable protein. This makes it particularly interesting for vegans and vegetarians, as well as for health-conscious people.

Thanks to a high content of important nutrients such as iron, folic acid, magnesium, and manganese, quinoa is a real superfood. Complex carbohydrates provide long-term energy and support the body both in everyday life and during athletic challenges.

It is particularly well suited to a gluten-free diet. Healthy fiber also supports intestinal health and has a beneficial effect on blood sugar levels and cholesterol levels.