10 reasons why avocado is so healthy

The avocado is a unique fruit. It is particularly rich in fat and thus also provides a lot of calories. But why the fat makes the avocado really healthy and what other health benefits it offers, you will learn in this article.

There is hardly any other food that has become as hyped in recent years as the avocado. It has gained popularity as a component in a number of recipes because of its distinctive flavor and creamy consistency.
Whether classically in a salad, as a topping for a summery sandwich, or as an ingredient in an extravagant dessert, creative cooking fans have countless uses for this green fruit.

The fact that the avocado is experiencing such a boom is no coincidence because it is not only delicious but also particularly healthy for these 10 reasons:

No 1. Packed with nutrients

The avocado offers more vital elements than most other fruits. It is not only a particularly good source of healthy unsaturated fatty acids, but also of a lot of vitamins and minerals, such as B vitamins, vitamin K, potassium, copper, vitamin E, and vitamin C. These are essential for health and play an important role in numerous processes in the body.

100 grams of avocado already cover 30 percent of the daily requirement of vitamin K and 27 percent of the daily requirement of folic acid. In addition, avocados are high in fiber and antioxidants.

100 grams of avocado have 138 calories, 12.5 grams of fat, and 3.6 grams of carbohydrates. How many calories are in half an avocado? Depending on the size, half an avocado has about 200 to 250 calories due to the high amount of vegetable fat.


Avocados are especially healthy because they contain a lot of important nutrients. They are a good source of folic acid, vitamin K, potassium, and vitamin E. They are also rich in healthy fatty acids.

No 2. Excellent source of potassium

Every cell depends on sufficient potassium to function properly. If there is not enough potassium, nerve, and muscle cells cannot transmit signals properly.

Especially with regard to healthy blood pressure and heart health, it is recommended to ensure adequate potassium intake.

Studies show that potassium can help lower blood pressure in hypertension. It has been shown to reduce the risk of stroke by up to 24 percent.

Like bananas, broccoli, and spinach, avocados are a very good source of potassium.


Along with bananas, avocados are rich in potassium, which is important for good cell conduction. It is especially helpful against high blood pressure

No 3. Beneficial during pregnancy

During pregnancy, the growing child needs a variety of nutrients to be born healthy and well-developed.

If the expectant mother eats a nutrient-poor diet, many of these nutrients are drawn from the mother’s own body stores. This is nature’s way of ensuring that the baby gets everything it needs.

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The exception here, however, is the vitamin folic acid. It should be supplied in abundance even before the start of pregnancy, whether through a healthy diet or nutritional supplements. A sufficient supply protects against miscarriages and developmental disorders in the child.

Just 100 grams of avocado cover almost one-third of the daily folic acid requirement of an average adult. Nonetheless, pregnant women need roughly twice as much folic acid. Since not only the mother’s body but also the baby needs plenty of folic acid for its development, a double focus should be placed on healthy foods rich in folic acid.

In addition to avocados, other good sources of folic acid include whole grains, legumes, and vegetables such as broccoli and asparagus.


Folic acid is very important for the development of children in the womb. Avocados are a good source of folic acid and support a healthy and normal pregnancy outcome.

No 4. It contains good fats, which are good for the heart.

Avocados are very high in fat. With nearly 77 percent of calories from fat, it tops the list of fatty plant foods.

Some experts even say that avocado’s unsaturated fatty acids can help break down fat because of the enzyme lipase. The enzyme controls fat burning during digestion and in fatty tissue, preventing avocado fat from being stored and speeding up fat breakdown in the body.

Unlike sausage or cheese, for example, the fat in avocados is very healthy. Similar to olive oil, it is rich in oleic acid, which fights inflammation in the body and has a positive effect on heart health.


Avocados are rich in unsaturated fatty acids, making them very healthy. Similar to olive oil, avocados are a component of an anti-inflammatory diet and thus good for the heart.

No 5. Improves nutrient absorption

Some nutrients require fat to be absorbed properly. Fat-soluble vitamins A, E, and K, in particular, cannot do without fat.

One study compared beta-carotene absorption from two salads. One salad was prepared with avocados and the other without. The avocado salad had a beta-carotene consumption that was up to 17 times higher.

So it pays to combine vegetables with avocados to get the full nutritional potential of the food.


Fat-soluble vitamins are better absorbed in the presence of avocados. So combining vegetables with healthy fruit is ideal.

No 6. Aids digestion

With nearly seven grams of fiber per 100 grams, avocado is a very good source of indigestible plant fiber.

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Few people reach the recommendation of at least 30 grams of fiber per day. The average German person gets just 24 grams of dietary fiber per day.

Yet many problems, such as constipation or diarrhea, could be prevented by an increased intake. Dietary fiber is very important for normal bowel function. It loosens the stool, making it easier for the intestines to move the food along.

In addition, dietary fiber serves as food for the beneficial bacteria in our intestines. So if you eat a lot of fiber, you will also improve your intestinal flora.


Avocados provide an important contribution to intestinal health with their high fiber content. At least 30 grams of fiber should ideally be eaten per day.

No 7. Lowers cholesterol and triglyceride levels

Since the leading cause of death worldwide is cardiovascular disease, heart health is a top priority for many people. Excessive cholesterol and triglyceride levels are considered risk factors for stroke and heart attack

Studies have shown that a diet rich in avocado and unsaturated fatty acids leads to a significant reduction in total cholesterol levels. The ratio of “good” HDL to “bad” LDL also improved. LDL cholesterol fell by up to 22 percent, while HDL rose by up to 11 percent.

Participants’ triglyceride levels decreased by up to 20 percent during the studies.


A diet rich in unsaturated fatty acids, such as those found in avocado, results in significant improvements in cholesterol and triglyceride levels.

No 8. Supports weight loss

Avocados can help us lose weight by inducing a long-lasting feeling of satiety.

This was the conclusion of a study that examined the effects of avocados on satiety and blood sugar levels. The study participants were divided into two groups. One group was given a salad without avocado, and the other group was given a salad with avocado.

Participants in the avocado group felt 23 percent more satiated and had a 28 percent lower desire to eat again in the next five hours.

Partly responsible for this effect seems to be the high proportion of healthy fats. These provide the body with a slow, steady stream of energy. The additional fiber in avocado also provides stable blood sugar levels.

In the avocado study, scientists saw great potential in the green fruit when it came to preventing unnecessary snacking. So if you have problems not eating between the main meals, it might help to include half an avocado per day in your diet.


Avocados help stabilize blood sugar levels. They also make you feel full, so you eat fewer snacks and therefore fewer calories.

No 9. Could protect against cancer

A high-fiber diet based on whole grains, vegetables, and fruits is associated with a lower risk of many cancers, such as breast, prostate, and colon cancer.

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With the current popularity of avocados, it is natural to wonder what effect this food has on certain types of cancer. Early evidence is emerging that avocados may be helpful in preventing cancer.

In one study, avocado extract was able to interfere with the cell growth of prostate cancer cells. In another study, avocados were able to reduce the side effects of chemotherapy on lymphocytes.

However, since these studies were not observed in living humans but were conducted in a petri dish, these results are not yet conclusive enough to allow a clear conclusion.


Avocados may help protect against some cancers as part of a plant-based diet. However, to date, there is not enough research to demonstrate a direct protective effect.

No 10. Good for the eyes

Avocados are a good source of the antioxidant lutein. Lutein plays an important role in eye health.
A high intake of lutein and other carotenoids can reduce the risk of eye diseases in old age.
These eye diseases include cataracts as well as macular degeneration.


Avocados are rich in lutein. Thanks to their high lutein content, they protect against eye diseases that often occur later in life.

Avocado oil for frying

If you’re looking for an alternative to olive oil, avocado oil is the way to go. It can be heated to temperatures up to 270 degrees. This makes it one of the best oils when it comes to frying foods.
Avocado oil offers some of the same health benefits that the fruit itself does. For example, it is rich in monounsaturated fatty acids, vitamin E, and lutein.
These ingredients promote healthy cholesterol levels, improve nutrient absorption, and keep eyes healthy even in old age.

Knowledge to go

The avocado is a nutrient bomb and can well be called a superfood.
It is rich in vitamins E and K and is an ideal source of folic acid and potassium.
Those who regularly include avocados in their meals are usually fuller for longer and thus less inclined to eat unnecessary snacks in between meals. In addition, many nutrients from meals are better absorbed.
Due to its healthy fats, avocado supports vascular health and can thus protect against stroke or heart attack.

For more information on the health benefits of avocados, you can refer to the following sources:

Please note that while avocados offer several potential health benefits, it’s important to consume them as part of a balanced diet and consult with a healthcare professional for personalized advice.