What happens to your body when you begin consuming two cloves every day?

What are cloves?

Cloves (or cloves for short) are the dried flower buds of a clove tree. The cloves owe their name to their nail-like shape, which is derived from the Middle Low German word “negelken” (today: nails). Because of their unique, powerful flavor, cloves are a popular spice during the Christmas season.

Origin: Where do cloves come from?

Cloves have their origins in the Moluccas, an Indonesian archipelago also known as the “Spice Islands”. Today, they are grown near coasts all over the world, including Madagascar, Sri Lanka, Zanzibar, the Caribbean, and the Philippines. What all of these places have in common is that they have a tropical maritime climate that is ideal for clove trees.

The harvest is still done by hand today. Before they begin to bloom, the yellowish-pink buds are removed and then dried in the sun. Only when dried do the cloves acquire their characteristic dark brown color.

The clove and its taste

The taste of the head of the clove is sharp and, at the same time, woody and aromatic. This means that cloves work equally well in sweet and savory dishes. Like cinnamon , it contains the essential oil eugenol, which has a significant influence on the taste. In contrast to the head, the clove stem tastes bitter and is often left out.

Eating cloves: should you do it?

Yes, you can eat cloves – even raw! However, when chewing, many people find the stem to be too bitter and the bowl to be too sharp. Therefore, whole cloves are usually not eaten but are removed before eating a dish. In this way, the aromatic, essential oils are retained in the dish.

However, chewing cloves may still be worthwhile for you – if you suffer from bad breath. The essential oils in cloves are said to banish bad breath.

How many cloves can you eat a day?

Despite the positive properties of cloves, you should not go overboard with the dosage. Too many cloves can cause irritation to the mucous membrane or open sores in the mouth. One or two cloves a day are ideal. You should always dilute clove oil with plenty of water (oil-water ratio: 5 to 95).

Cloves and their healing powers

Cloves are traditionally included in almost every gingerbread and punch recipe. They refine many sauces, but also vegetable dishes and pastries. If you have a toothache, clove relieves the pain and since the spice is considered one of the strongest antioxidants, it can be used to strengthen the body’s immune system.

Cloves and their healing powers

Cloves are traditionally included in almost every gingerbread and punch recipe. They refine many sauces, but also vegetable dishes and pastries. If you have a toothache, clove relieves the pain and since the spice is considered one of the strongest antioxidants, it can be used to strengthen the body’s immune system.

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Cloves for toothache

In herbal medicine, clove is particularly known as a home remedy for toothache because the aromatic plant contains substances with pain-relieving properties. To do this, place one or two cloves on the painful tooth and bite on it. If this is not possible, place the cloves next to the tooth. Keep the cloves in your mouth until they almost dissolve. They are then spit out, but can also be swallowed.

Cloves as an anesthetic in dentistry

How well cloves can numb pain was also shown in an Indian study of 60 children aged 9 to 10 who needed dental treatment. So that the children did not feel the injection, they wanted to apply a local anesthetic to the relevant area beforehand. The study examined which method was more suitable: pre-cooling with ice, clove-papaya gel (the name of the preparation was not given) and benzocaine gel (conventional local anesthetic). The clove preparation performed almost as well as the benzocaine gel and was therefore classified by the researchers as a strong topical anesthetic.

While benzocaine often leads to allergies (at least 10 percent of people in Germany are affected by this), this is not the case with cloves. The Food and Drug Administration has already banned benzocaine for use in the mouth of children less than 2 years of age because it can lead to an increased concentration of methemoglobin (a component of red blood cells). Finding an alternative is particularly important for children.

A study in Kuwait also confirmed that clove preparations can be used as an anesthetic. To do this, 73 test subjects were given a clove gel, a benzocaine gel (20 percent), a placebo that resembles cloves or a placebo that resembles benzocaine .The clove gel had the same anesthetic effect as benzocaine and can therefore completely replace benzocaine as an anesthetic, according to the researchers involved.

Holistically oriented dentists occasionally use clove gel. It’s best to ask your dentist if he or she has heard of it. In addition, a plant-based tooth gel is commercially available that contains, among other things, eugenol (the main active ingredient in cloves). It reduces pain in small children when their first teeth emerge.

Clove extract for hangovers

When alcohol is broken down in the body, the cell toxin acetaldehyde is produced, which not only causes the dreaded hangover the day after, but has also been shown to lead to inflammation and liver damage, promotes cancer and damages the genetic material. The best solution here is of course: don’t drink alcohol. The second best solution (for exceptional cases) is to take measures that accelerate the breakdown of acetaldehyde, including clove.

In 2018, a double-blind study on this topic was conducted with 16 men with a blood alcohol content of 1 per mille who received either a placebo or 250 mg of clove extract (Clovinol). In the clove group, acetaldehyde was eliminated from the blood much more quickly and alcohol-related oxidative stress was also significantly reduced. This reduced the severity of the hangover by more than 55 percent.

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Cloves for the stomach and intestines

The aroma of cloves is mainly determined by the ingredient eugenol, which, among other things, has antiseptic (germicidal) properties. Because of this strong disinfectant effect, cloves can also be used for inflammation , for example caused by Helicobacter colonization of the stomach.

In addition, according to a study conducted in 2019 with 66 patients, caryophyllenes (secondary plant substances contained in the essential oil of cloves, marjoram, thyme , sage and eucalyptus, among others) are able to significantly relieve nausea and pain caused by the Stomach germ Helicobacter pylori is caused. The researchers consider these substances to be effective means of alleviating symptoms of gastrointestinal diseases .

Cloves against intestinal parasites

Many believe that parasites in humans are a long-gone phenomenon. But far from it! It has been proven that a third of humanity is infected with one or more worm parasites. There is also a high number of unreported cases because parasite infestations are often not even recognized and the parasites are difficult to detect.

In earlier times, people were aware of the danger posed by parasites, which is why there are many traditional remedies for them. These include, for example: B. wormwood (Artemisia absinthium L.), black walnut (Juglans nigra) and clove.

The physiologist and zoologist Dr. Hulda Clark to use in the form of her parasite treatment. The parasite cure according to Dr. For example , Hulda Clark can be bought in online shops. Clove is usually contained in capsule form.

You can also make a clove tincture yourself and follow these instructions . You need 200 g of cloves per liter of alcohol (e.g. 40 percent vodka).

As part of Clark’s parasite treatment, psyllium husk powder is a good helper to thoroughly cleanse the intestines. Take 1 level teaspoon of psyllium husk powder twice a day 30 to 60 minutes before a meal and drink a large glass of water (250 – 400 ml – better than too little) each time. For more tips on eliminating intestinal parasites , see the previous link.

Clove essential oil

Clove essential oil is also used in aromatherapy and natural medicine. This is used externally to relieve pain and promote healing.

The main components of the essential oil include phytochemicals such as carvacrol, thymol, eugenol and cinnamaldehyde. According to a Tunisian study, clove essential oil has, among other things, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, insect-repellent and anesthetic (numbing/pain-relieving effects .

Since clove essential oil can cause spasms in the larynx and breathing problems in infants and small children, it should not be used internally. Adults can take the oil diluted. It is recommended to add no more than one drop per day to a glass of water and drink. Because clove oil can induce labor, it should not be used during pregnancy.

Cloves against fungi, viruses and bacteria

Cloves are often used in folk medicine to naturally combat fungi, viruses and bacteria, e.g. B. against Candida (yeast) or Aspergillus (mold) . Laboratory studies have already shown that clove oil, when applied externally, has an effect on vaginal yeast infections, hepatitis C and herpes simplex viruses.

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Another study demonstrated the effect of clove oil against the acne bacterium (Propionibacterium acnes ). When used externally, clove oil is considered a natural weapon against bacterial acne .

While self-medication should be avoided for diseases such as hepatitis C and vaginal thrush , especially since there are no studies on humans, you can try clove essential oil for herpes and acne. You can put 1 to 2 drops undiluted on a cotton swab and dab the affected skin areas.

Clove is also a known bad breath killer and is used in toothpastes and other oral hygiene products. The antibacterial active ingredients in cloves significantly reduce the odor-causing putrefactive bacteria in the mouth and thus contribute to better breath. Clove essential oil can therefore also be used for gargling. To do this, simply add 2 drops of the oil to a small glass of water and use it to rinse your mouth . You can also simply chew on a clove to combat bad breath .

Clove oil effectively protects against mosquito bites

Chemical agents are often used to control mosquitoes, which can harm the environment, other insects such as bees and bumblebees, birds and fish, and humans themselves. It is much better to set up an aroma lamp with clove oil (5 drops are enough) in the room, ideally near the window.

Clove oil can also be used externally to protect against mosquito bites and therefore also to prevent diseases that can be transmitted by mosquitoes. Researchers from Mahidol University in Bangkok tested the mosquito-repellent activity of 38 essential oils—including clove oil and lemongrass oil—on human subjects against 3 species of mosquitoes. 0.1 ml of the respective essential oil per 30 cm² of exposed skin was applied to the forearm. The oils were used in concentrations of 10 and 50 percent as well as undiluted. The undiluted oils showed the highest protection. The clove oil proved to be the test winner. Undiluted clove oil showed 100 percent repellency for up to 4 hours against all types of mosquitoes, while the 10 percent oil was effective for up to 2 hours.

Cloves against diabetes

In 2019, Indian researchers examined how an unspecified water-soluble clove extract (250 mg per day for 30 days) affected the post-meal blood sugar levels of 13 subjects. After just 12 days it was clear that the blood sugar levels could be reduced in all test subjects.

The scientists stated that clove extract has therapeutic benefits in maintaining healthy blood sugar levels as it can increase insulin sensitivity. Clove extract can delay the development of type 2 diabetes.

In addition, there are already animal studies that have shown that clove extract may help treat type 2 diabetes in the future .