What Will Happen If You Eat 4-5 Almonds Every Day?

Almonds are not only delicious, but also very healthy. If you eat almonds regularly, you will, among other things, prevent cravings and keep your skin young. Find out in this article what makes almonds so healthy.

Almonds are one of the most popular nuts in the world. We particularly appreciate them because they are perfect as a healthy snack between meals (even though the small seeds have quite a few calories), as an ingredient in delicious pastries, or as a crunchy topping on your morning muesli. Almonds provide a lot of energy and a whole host of important nutrients.

“Almonds deserve the status of a superfood because some scientific studies show that regular consumption of almonds can lead to weight loss. It’s certainly not just the almonds, but anyone who uses almonds or nuts to treat small snacks automatically limits their consumption of sweets However, there should be no more than a handful of almonds per day.

Almonds contain polyphenols, fiber, and beneficial fatty acids. This stimulates our digestion and helps the absorption of important nutrients and vitamins for our organism. Some of the valuable nutrients in the almond are located in or directly under the shell, which is why you should eat almonds unpeeled.

Not only can almonds help you lose weight, but they also protect against inflammation and act as antioxidants. This includes the vitamin E it contains. This can capture so-called free radicals and a handful of almonds a day already provides part of the daily requirement for the important vitamin E.

Vitamin E is one of the fat-soluble vitamins, and thanks to the monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids in almonds; it can be easily absorbed by the body. Almonds also support beautiful skin. The cosmetics industry is already repeatedly relying on the addition of vitamin E – so try a small handful of almonds a day instead of expensive creams.”

1. Almonds are full of healthy nutrients

In a small hand (28 grams), there are 6 grams of high-quality protein, almost 2 grams of carbohydrates, and 14 grams of fat. The majority of the fatty acids are healthy monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids. Almonds are also an excellent source of fiber, vitamin E, vitamin B2, magnesium, and manganese.

However, the almond kernels are intolerable for people who are hypersensitive to salicylic acid. They have the highest concentration of this natural preservative of any kind of nut.


The crispy kernels have about 162 calories per serving. It is known from previous studies that the energy contained in the nuclei can apparently only be partially utilized by the body. The reason for this is said to be the fiber content or the stability of the almond cell walls, which encapsulate nutrients and make them difficult to absorb. For this reason, 10 to 15 percent of the calories are not even used by the body.


Almonds are an excellent source of healthy fats, protein, and fiber. They are also a good source of minerals including magnesium and vitamin E. A small proportion of the energy is excreted from the body unused.

2. Almonds strengthen the immune system

Vitamin E is the collective term for eight different substances from the group of tocopherols and tocotrienols. These substances act as antioxidants in the body. Many metabolic processes produce potentially harmful free radicals that can be rendered harmless using antioxidants.

In this way, vitamin E protects the valuable unsaturated fatty acids that are found in the cells. The protective effect extends from the immune and nervous systems, through the muscles to the retina of the eyes. There is also evidence that vitamin E has a protective effect against cardiovascular diseases, cancer, and arthritis.

Nuts like almonds are an excellent source of useful free radical scavengers. A handful already covers more than 35 percent of the daily requirement for vitamin E. Other healthy sources of vitamin E include canola and wheat germ oils or avocados.


Almonds contain a lot of vitamin E, an important antioxidant. It acts as a free radical scavenger in the body and thus supports the health of the cells. Adequate intake protects against numerous diseases.

3. Almonds are good for metabolism

Anyone who regularly eats almonds and other nuts hardly needs to worry about their magnesium intake, as the crunchy kernels are an excellent source of the important mineral. 23 grams already provide 20 percent of your daily needs.

Magnesium is found in all tissues and fluids in the body. It is crucial for the movement of impulses between neurons and muscles. Also necessary for the metabolism of lipids and carbs is magnesium.

As long as you eat a varied diet, you don’t need to worry about a magnesium deficiency . Magnesium is found in sufficient concentrations in vegetables, fruits, legumes, and grains. Most people meet their magnesium needs through their diet without any problems. Therefore, there is no reason to resort to expensive nutritional supplements.

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Magnesium is essential for the proper functioning of nerves and muscles. Almonds are a good source of magnesium. Their regular consumption is therefore an important part of a needs-based diet.

4. Almonds keep your skin young

The brown shell of almonds contains numerous antioxidants that can protect the body from the effects of premature aging and some types of cancer. In addition to the already mentioned vitamin E, it is the group of polyphenols that makes a decisive contribution to health.

To ensure that the polyphenols are not lost, almonds should be eaten unpeeled and raw. Blanched, white almonds still provide healthy fatty acids, but significantly fewer antioxidants. In one investigation, roasted versus blanched almonds were evaluated for their antioxidant properties.

So if you would rather use dark almond butter than fresh almonds, you can do so without feeling guilty. Just keep an eye on the calories. Even if almonds are healthy, excessive consumption is bad for your waistline in the long term.


Almonds provide healthy antioxidants. The best sources are raw almonds or dark almond butter. Blanched almonds contain fewer of the sought-after radical scavengers.

5. Almonds curb appetite

Thanks to their high protein and fiber content, almonds can curb appetite. This was the result of a study by Purdue University. Participants consumed almonds as a snack between meals. The amount of calories eaten in the meals was then analyzed.

Instead of gaining weight from the additional portion of fat, the participants automatically saved the almond calories they consumed during their main meals. The reason: They ate smaller amounts because they were pre-saturated by the snack.

Almonds are therefore a good snack and can prevent cravings. A small handful is enough and will get you through the next few hours.


Anyone who nibbles almonds as a snack automatically curbs their appetite and reduces the risk of falling victim to a craving.

6. Almonds can lower cholesterol levels

Monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids are abundant in almonds. The cholesterol levels are benefited by consuming these good fats at a comparatively high rate.

In one study, 42 grams of almonds per day (about 2 handfuls) was able to reduce unhealthy LDL cholesterol by 5.3 mg/dL, while healthy HDL cholesterol levels remained stable.

The antioxidants in almonds also protect against LDL cholesterol in the blood from oxidizing and subsequently damaging the vessel walls. This lessens the chance of having a heart attack or stroke.

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The unsaturated fatty acids in almonds support healthy cholesterol levels. The numerous antioxidants lead to a low oxidation rate of LDL cholesterol. This reduces the risk of arteriosclerosis.

7. Almonds help with type 2 diabetes

Thanks to their low carbohydrate content, numerous fiber and high proportion of healthy fats, almonds are a wonderful addition to the diet of diabetics . Research shows that additional consumption of healthy fats from almonds can reduce insulin secretion during a carbohydrate-containing meal.

Magnesium also helps control blood sugar levels. Because almonds are a good source of magnesium, they can help keep blood sugar in a healthy range.

Studies show that additional magnesium supplementation can be useful for patients with diabetes. Participants often had magnesium levels that were too low. Taking magnesium improved insulin sensitivity. The cells responded better to insulin.


Almonds can support diabetics. Their fats and fiber help stabilize blood sugar levels. Magnesium supports the cells’ insulin sensitivity.

8. Almonds are good for the intestinal flora

A healthy intestinal flora is a crucial factor when it comes to your own health and general well-being. Our intestinal flora is a crucial part of our immune system. Beneficial bacterial strains displace pathogenic organisms, communicate with our immune cells and protect our intestinal wall. In addition, they help digest numerous nutrients and supply the cells of the intestinal wall with short-chain fatty acids, which keeps them healthy and functional.

How healthy our intestinal flora is depends largely on our diet. Almonds provide lots of fiber, healthy fats and essential nutrients that support healthy intestinal flora. Daily consumption of almonds and almond butter promoted the growth of healthy bifidobacteria and lactobacteria, while pathogenic clostridia were suppressed.

So that the almonds can be digested well, it is recommended to eat them slowly and chew them carefully. This is the only way that all nutrients can be absorbed and our intestinal flora is optimally supplied.

But almonds don’t always have to be eaten plain. Try out delicious recipes and try new combinations. With our recipe ideas for dishes with almonds, you’ll never get bored of this crunchy nut. Consuming almonds, for example as dark almond butter, almond milk (with cinnamon) or in the form of roasted almonds, is highly recommended.