8 Reasons: Why Onions Are Healthy

Onions are good for digestion, strengthen the heart, and have an antibacterial effect. What makes onions so healthy here?
Incorporating plenty of vegetables into your diet is generally very important for your health. However, some vegetables offer you special benefits. These include onions, which belong to the so-called leek vegetables. Other leek vegetables include shallots, garlic, and chives.

Leek vegetables contain various minerals and vitamins, as well as potent plant compounds that are beneficial to your health and well-being in a variety of ways. Here, you can read eight reasons why onions are healthy. Ref.

1. Onions strengthen your immune system

Onions are very low in calories and contain abundant nutrients such as vitamins, fiber, and minerals. The vegetable is especially high in vitamin C, which is good for your immune system, collagen production, tissue repair, and iron absorption. In addition, vitamin C is also one of the antioxidants, which protects your cells from free radical damage.

Here are the nutritional values of 100 grams of onions:

Nutritional values
Calories 33 kcal
Protein 1 g
Fat 0 g
Carbohydrates6 g
Dietary fiber2.5 g

In addition to vitamins, minerals such as potassium are also contained in the onion. Potassium is therefore important for the body, as it supports cell as well as kidney functions, nerve transmission, and muscle contraction. B vitamins, such as folate and pyridoxine, are also abundant in onions. These B vitamins play an important role in metabolism as well as nerve function and are involved in red blood cell production.


The low-calorie onions are full of important nutrients such as potassium, vitamin C, and B vitamins.

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2. Red onions can reduce the risk of heart disease

In addition to vitamin C, onions also contain other antioxidants that can inhibit cell damage. Onions actually contain more than 25 different flavonoid antioxidants.

Red onions, in particular, are rich in anthocyanins. These are special plant pigments that are also responsible for the deep red color of onions.

Various studies have found that people who ate anthocyanin-rich foods had a lower risk of heart disease. These anthocyanins may also protect against certain types of diabetes and cancer.


Onions contain abundant antioxidants. Red onions in particular contain many anthocyanins, which may protect against certain types of cancer and diabetes, as well as heart disease.

3. Onions can control blood sugar level

Especially for people affected by diabetes or prediabetes, eating onions is advisable because they can help control blood sugar levels.

Specific compounds have been found in onions, such as quercetin and sulfur compounds, which have antidiabetic effects. For example, quercetin interacts with cells in the small intestine, adipose tissue, or liver to help regulate blood sugar levels throughout the body.


The compounds in onions that are beneficial to the human body can help reduce high blood sugar levels.

4. Onions can have an antibacterial effect

Quercetin, which is derived from onions, appears to be a very effective anti-bacterial agent, as various studies have found because it can fight potentially dangerous bacteria.

For example, a test tube study found that quercetin extracted from the yellow skin of onions successfully inhibited the growth of Helicobacter pylori bacteria. These bacteria are associated with gastric ulcers and certain digestive cancers.

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Onions can inhibit the growth of potentially harmful bacteria.

5. Onions are good for your heart

Onions contain antioxidants and certain compounds that ensure that inflammation is inhibited and increased triglyceride levels, as well as cholesterol levels, are lowered, all of which have a positive effect on the heart.

Since onions have anti-inflammatory properties and contain the flavonoid antioxidant quercetin, they can also help lower high blood pressure, which also reduces the risk of heart disease.


Eating onions may help reduce risk factors for heart disease.

6. Onions are healthy for your bones

Along with dairy products and other foods, onions can also be good for boosting your bone health and ensuring strong bones.

A study that followed 24 middle-aged and post-menopausal women showed that those who consumed 100 milliliters of onion juice daily for two months had better bone mineral density compared to the control group.

It is believed that onion consumption helps to reduce oxidative stress in the body as well as bone loss while increasing the number of antioxidants in the body. This may prevent osteoporosis and increase bone density.


Onion consumption is associated with improved bone density.

7. Onions are good for your digestion

Prebiotics and fiber are necessary for optimal gut health, and both are abundant in onions. Prebiotics are indigestible fiber that is broken down by beneficial gut bacteria.

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These gut bacteria feed on the prebiotics and then form short-chain fatty acids. These fatty acids, in turn, support intestinal health, resulting in a strengthened immune system, reduced inflammation, and improved overall digestion.
Eating prebiotic-rich foods also improves the absorption of essential minerals such as calcium. This mineral is important for healthy bones.


Because they contain abundant prebiotics, onions are healthy. These promote healthy digestion, improve the bacterial balance in the intestines, and strengthen the immune system.

8. Onions can reduce the risk of some types of cancer

Consumption of vegetables from the allium genus, such as garlic or onions, has been linked to a lower risk of certain cancers, including stomach and colon cancer.

A comparison of several studies showed that those who ate the most leek vegetables were less likely to develop stomach cancer than those who consumed the least amount.

This effect of leek vegetables is attributed to the sulfur compounds and antioxidant flavonoids they contain.


A balanced diet that includes lean vegetables, such as onions, may prevent certain cancers. Ref.

Knowledge to go

Onions contain many important nutrients, such as potassium, vitamin C, and B vitamins. In addition, the allium vegetable is rich in antioxidants, which can protect against certain types of cancer, diabetes, and heart disease.

In addition, healthy onions are believed to have antibacterial effects; eating them can positively affect bone density and digestion.

Since the leek vegetable carries beneficial compounds for humans, which, for example, can help reduce high blood sugar levels, onions are healthy.