7 reasons: This is why lemons are healthy

Lemons not only add a special touch to our meals but can also protect us from various diseases. In this article, we will tell you everything else about calories, nutritional values, and what exactly makes lemons so healthy.
Lemons belong to the Rue family and give our meals a tangy, sour note all year round. In both sweet and savory dishes, lemons offer a special taste.

But the yellow plant scores not only in terms of taste; lemons are rich in essential ingredients and can therefore play an important role in our health. Ref.

1. Contain important nutrients

With only 39 kilocalories per 100 grams, the sour little fruit is an absolute slimming aid and can therefore be a real support when losing weight. In addition, lemons contain important nutrients that are indispensable for our body.

An initial overview of this can be found in the following table:

Calories 39
Fat 0,6 g
Protein 0,7 g
Carbohydrates 3.2 g (of which 3 g is sugar)
vitamin C 50,67 mg
Vitamin B 0,06 mg
Potassium 170 mg


Lemons are rich in vitamin C, vitamin B6, and potassium, which are important for metabolic processes, our nervous system, and acid-base balance.

2. Protect against urinary stones (kidney stones).

Lemons not only contain essential ingredients but can also prevent the formation of so-called urinary stones. The actual task of the kidney is to regulate fluids, filter end products of metabolic processes, such as urea, from the blood, and excrete them in the form of urine.

However, increased crystallization of certain substances in the urine can cause stones to form. The pH value (in this case, acidity) in the urine is decisive for this and determines the amount of crystals that dissolve or not. There are different types of stones. Urinary stones form when the pH is too acidic.

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And now the lemon comes into play: Scientists have been able to find that citric acid, which is present in large quantities in lemon juice, increases the overall volume of urine, reducing saturation (crystallization) of calcium and other crystals. In addition, citric acid lowers the pH and thus reduces the risk of urinary stone formation.


The citric acid in lemons has been shown to reduce the risk of so-called urinary stones.

3. Are they good for the heart?

Another point that makes lemons healthy is that they can even protect our hearts. A study found that plants high in vitamin C lower the risk of coronary heart disease and hence act as a preventative measure.

In addition, scientists have been able to establish a correlation between too low a concentration of vitamin C in the blood and the risk of strokes. These are often triggered by heart disease. Especially in patients with high blood pressure (hypertension) as well as overweight men, such a fact could be proven. So, by regular intake of vitamin C, for example, through lemons, you can reduce such a risk.


Lemons’ vitamin C concentration has been demonstrated to lower the risk of heart disease and stroke.

4. Protect against anemia

Due to the high content of vitamin C, lemons, like peppers, for example, protect against anemia. This occurs when the concentration of the red blood pigment hemoglobin in the blood is too low due to iron deficiency. Hemoglobin, however, is essential for the transport of oxygen from the lungs to our tissues. So if you experience dizziness, decreased performance, and fatigue, these symptoms may be signs of anemia.

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But with regular consumption of lemons (especially their juice), you can remedy the situation. Lemons contain a small amount of iron, but what is crucial is the high amount of vitamin C hidden in the sour little fruit. Various studies have demonstrated improved iron absorption through vitamin C. In addition, it has been scientifically confirmed that, especially through the citric acid contained in lemons, the trace element (iron) can be absorbed at an increased rate. Another reason why lemons are healthy


The high vitamin C content in lemons can improve our body’s absorption of iron, reducing the risk of anemia.

5. Let the skin age more slowly

Your own skin is probably close to the hearts of most people. With a lemon water drink, you can do her some good in this regard. A study conducted in 2016 was able to find out amazing things: Drinking lemon water regularly not only protects us from free radicals (antioxidants), but also has a positive effect on the formation of wrinkles in our largest organ, the skin.

Scientists have found that the juice of lemons reduces cell damage. Consequently, antioxidant enzymes become much more usable and thus prevent skin aging caused by oxidative stress. So there is much more to lemons than just their sour taste; they are a real boon to our health.


Lemons reduce the production of oxygen radicals and therefore protect against skin aging.

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6. Can reduce the risk of cancer?

Protection against kidney stones, slower aging of the skin, good for the heart—that’s not all: one more point makes lemons healthy. They can reduce the risk of cancer. The flavonoids (secondary plant compounds) contained in lemons have been shown to have anti-cancer, and chemotherapeutic effects and inhibit the proliferation of tumor tissue.

In addition, another study investigated the extent to which so-called limonoids, which are also found in lemons, have an effect on the development of breast cancer. The result is astonishing: limonoids can inhibit the development of reactive breast cancer.


Lemons have been shown to have an effect on the development of various cancers.

7. Help to lose weight

The yellow miracle plant also has something to offer for those who want to lose weight: Researchers were able to find out that polyphenols (chemical compounds) suppress both weight gain and body fat accumulation. However, this has so far only been researched in mice.

Nonetheless, lemons add that extra bit of flavor and numerous health benefits. So give it a try with ease.


Lemons are said to suppress weight gain as well as fat accumulation. However, further research is needed. Ref.

Knowledge to go

What makes lemons healthy? Due to their high vitamin C content, iron absorption is increased, and the risk of anemia can thus be reduced. In addition, citric acid can lower the pH level in the blood, thus reducing the risk of urinary stones (kidney stones).

As if that were not enough, certain substances in lemons can reduce the risk of various cancers and protect the heart. This range of positive influencing factors of the yellow power plant is therefore a decisive reason to integrate lemons more often into the diet.