5 reasons: Why mushrooms are healthy

Aromatic, versatile, and much sought-after: what makes mushrooms healthy, how many calories they have and what else they contain, you can find out here.
Whether raw in a salad, boiled, or fried, anyone who likes to cook will at some point come across the many ways in which mushrooms can be used.

Among mushrooms, the Germans are particularly fond of the mushroom. It is available in both brown and white. While white mushrooms taste pleasantly mild and contain a little more water, brown mushrooms taste slightly nutty and contain a little less water. Why mushrooms are healthy, you will learn in this article. Ref.

1. are rich in vitamins and minerals.

Since the water content of mushrooms is relatively high, they provide few calories. This makes mushrooms an ideal component of a low-calorie diet. Mushrooms contain only 22 kilocalories per 100 grams and, for this reason, can be eaten without remorse. Of course, this is only true if the mushrooms are also prepared in a low-fat way. If you fry them in plenty of fat or cook the mushrooms in a high-calorie cream sauce, you quickly add a considerable amount of calories.

Although mushrooms contain few calories, their nutritional value, in terms of their micronutrient content, is quite remarkable. Besides vitamin D, they contain plenty of vitamin B2, vitamin B3, and vitamin B5.

While vitamin B2 supports heart health, vitamin B3 is for well-functioning digestion and healthy skin. 100 grams of raw mushrooms already cover 24 percent of the daily requirement of vitamin B2, 18 percent of the daily requirement of vitamin B3 as well and 15 percent of the daily requirement of vitamin B6. In addition, mushrooms are a good source of the minerals phosphorus, potassium, copper, and selenium.

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Copper is essential for the production of red blood cells, whose job it is to transport oxygen around the body. Potassium plays an important role in the cellular transmission of stimuli. 100 grams of raw mushrooms already provide the body with just under 10 percent of the potassium and selenium it needs and 16 percent of the copper it needs.

Here is an overview of the nutritional value of 100 grams of mushrooms:
Mushrooms per 100 grams
Calories 19 kcal
Protein 3 g
Fat 0 g
Carbohydrates 0,8 g
Dietary fiber 2 g


Mushrooms contain hardly any calories. However, they are an excellent source of many B vitamins, as well as potassium, selenium, and copper.

2. can protect against breast cancer

The likelihood of developing some cancers, such as breast cancer, has been shown to be reduced by a healthy diet. Studies suggest mushrooms can be an important component of a healthy anti-cancer diet. For example, it has been observed that mushrooms can noticeably inhibit the growth of breast cancer cells as well as reactivate the natural cell death of diseased cells.

Mushrooms are also rich in selenium, a mineral that acts as an antioxidant in the body. Antioxidants such as selenium ensure that free radicals are rendered harmless, which could otherwise damage cell components and promote the development of cancer. At the same time, selenium makes it less likely for existing cancer cells to spread in the body.


Mushrooms can act against breast cancer cells. In addition, they may protect against the development of some cancers.

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3. lower the cholesterol level

Mushrooms are not only free of dietary cholesterol but also contain beta-glucans, which can positively affect blood cholesterol levels. Another point that makes mushrooms healthy.

Beta-glucans belong to the dietary fibers. They bind free bile salts in the intestine, which are subsequently excreted. As a result, the body produces new bile salts, for which it uses cholesterol from the blood as a building material. In the long term, a high-fiber diet thus lowers the blood cholesterol level.

A healthy cholesterol level protects against arteriosclerosis and is therefore particularly important for the prevention of heart attacks and strokes.


Mushrooms contain beta-glucans, which can lower cholesterol levels and thus prevent heart attacks and strokes.

4. provide vitamin D

Although mushrooms are not really plants from a biological point of view, from a nutritional point of view, they are considered vegetables. Another point that makes mushrooms healthy is that, unlike normal plants, mushrooms such as button mushrooms are rich in vitamin D due to their biological peculiarities. A large part of the required vitamin D can be produced by the body itself. A small remainder is supplied to it by high-fat, animal foods—or just by mushrooms.
Although 100 grams of mushrooms cover only about 5 percent of the daily requirement of vitamin D, they still contribute a small part to the body’s nutrient supply. However, in the absence of their own production, their content is not sufficient to cover the nutrient requirement.

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Mushrooms are a vegetable source of vitamin D. However, they contain only small amounts and cannot fully meet the need in the absence of self-production.

5. strengthen the immune system

Whether brown mushrooms or white mushrooms, all mushrooms have one thing in common: they are rich in immune-boosting antioxidants. Antioxidants counteract the damaging effects of free radicals and thus protect cells.

The antioxidants in mushrooms include the substances ergothioneine, glutathione, and selenium. Selenium boosts the production of T-killer cells. Gluthathione also strengthens the body’s defenses in the fight against tumor cells.


Mushrooms are rich in antioxidants such as selenium and glutathione, which support the immune system. Ref.

Knowledge to go

Why are mushrooms healthy? Mushroom fans can happily serve up the little fungus more often because it is low in fat and calories. This makes it a slim companion in any dish—and a flavorful one at that! Mushrooms are also rich in vitamin D, B vitamins, potassium, selenium, and copper.

Mushrooms also provide valuable antioxidants, which support the immune system and even help the body fight cancer cells. In addition, they contain beta-glucans. These have a beneficial effect on cholesterol levels.