Crazy! These 6 teas help you lose weight

Boost fat burning with tea and maybe even tackle that pesky belly fat. In this article, we explain whether this works and which tea is best for belly fat.
Everyone knows how soothing and warming a cup of tea can be. However, drinking tea is not only tasty but also holds many health benefits, such as the well-known chamomile tea for stomach aches, and even fat-burning can be stimulated by tea.

Drinking tea can help you reduce your weight and get rid of that pesky belly fat. Find out which six teas are most effective against belly fat in this article.

No 1. Green tea

Green tea is one of the most famous types of tea and is associated with many health benefits. Also, this tea is particularly effective if you would like to lose weight. Sencha is the all-rounder among green teas and also the most drunk-green tea in Japan. It is, unlike other varieties, directly exposed to the sun. The organic Sencha tea (DE-KO-039) from Steinberger tastes unmistakably fine-tart aromatic and unfolds a rich grassy smell.

As some studies proved, those who regularly drank green tea lost more weight in the same amount of time and also lost more body fat and waist circumference than those who consumed a placebo drink.

This is because green tea and matcha, the highly concentrated green tea powder, contain particularly high levels of catechins. These are naturally occurring antioxidants that can boost fat burning and increase metabolic activity. Ref.


Green tea and matcha are high in catechins, which stimulate metabolism and boost fat burning. Drinking green tea or matcha regularly can lead to body fat as well as weight loss.

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No 2. White tea

White tea is harvested very early and processed very little. This is also reflected in its taste, which is slightly sweet. Those who drink white tea regularly are doing something good for their health, as white tea improves oral health, among other things.

White tea can also help against belly or body fat, as there are about as many catechins in the dried tea leaves as in green tea—a great tea against belly fat. Ref.


Due to a similar amount of catechins, the natural antioxidants, white tea has a similar effect on fat loss as green tea.

No 3. Oolong Tea

Oolong tea is a traditional Chinese tea with a fruity fragrant aroma, which can be placed between green and black tea in terms of color as well as the degree of oxidation.

It turns out that drinking oolong tea can help fight belly fat by stimulating metabolism and improving fat burning, which in turn can lead to weight loss.

A study in which men drank either water or oolong tea over three days showed that those who consumed the tea burned more calories per day on average.

However, further studies are needed to draw more accurate conclusions about the effect of oolong tea on weight loss. Ref.


Fruity-scented oolong tea is associated with increased calorie consumption, as this type of tea speeds up metabolism and fat burning.

No 4. Black tea

The dark color is characteristic of black tea. This is due to oxidation, where the tea leaves are exposed to air, which leads to browning and is responsible for the dark color of the hot drink. There are different varieties of black tea, for example, a well-known classic is the Earl Grey variety.


Black tea helps against belly or body fat because it contains a particularly high amount of flavones, a plant pigment with antioxidant properties. Increased intake of flavones, whether through black tea or other foods, is suspected to positively influence body mass index (BMI). Ref.


Flavones present in black tea, a plant pigment with antioxidant properties, probably positively favor BMI.

No 5. Pu-Ehr tea

Chinese black tea that has undergone fermentation is known as pu-erh tea. Traditionally, the tea is often drunk after a meal because of its earthy aroma, which becomes stronger with the duration of storage.

A study in which participants were given either a placebo or a capsule containing Pu-Ehr tea extract showed that those who took the capsule with the tea extract over a three-month period lost about 1 kilogram more weight than the group with the placebo.

However, further research is needed to prove the positive effect of tea on abdominal fat or, more generally, the effect of pu-erh tea on weight loss. Ref.


The fermented Pu-Ehr tea may possibly increase weight loss and thus the reduction of the body or abdominal fat, but further studies are needed for this.

No 6. Herbal tea

Herbal tea, which often contains spices, fruits, and even herbs, differs from traditional teas because there is no caffeine in it. The most popular types of herbal tea include ginger tea, rosehip tea, rooibos tea, and hibiscus tea.

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Although the ingredients vary depending on the type of herbal tea, they are associated with fat loss. Rooibos tea seems to be particularly effective at this when it comes to fat burning. As a test tube study showed, rooibos tea increased fat metabolism and also blocked the formation of fat cells. Ref.


Herbal teas can also have a positive effect on weight loss. Rooibos tea seems to be particularly effective in this regard, as it can boost fat metabolism.

Knowledge to go

In green tea as well as matcha, there is a high content of catechins that ensure that metabolism is stimulated and fat burning is boosted. If you drink green tea or matcha regularly, it can cause you to lose body fat as well as weight.

Due to a similar amount of catechins, the natural antioxidants, white tea has a similar effect on fat loss as green tea—a super tea against belly fat.

Fruity-scented Oolong tea is associated with increased calorie consumption, as this type of tea speeds up metabolism and fat burning.

The flavones contained in black tea, a plant pigment with antioxidant properties, probably favor BMI.

The fermented Pu-Ehr tea may possibly increase weight loss and thus the reduction of the body or abdominal fat, but further studies are needed for this.

Herbal teas can also have a positive effect on weight loss. Rooibos tea seems to be particularly effective as a tea against belly fat, as it can boost fat metabolism.