10 Best Fruits for Weight Loss | Crazy Weight Loss Fruits

Craving a sweet tooth? With these ten fruits, you can not only outsmart your cravings, but they are also low in calories and therefore the perfect fruit for weight loss.
In addition to whole grain products and healthy fats, a healthy diet also includes an adequate intake of fruits and vegetables. The plants provide important minerals and vitamins, as well as plenty of water.

If you want to lose weight, you should eat foods with a low calorie density and high fiber and nutrient content. The following fruits are therefore perfect for dieting:

No 1. Apple

Apples are one of the fruits with a low-calorie density, with only 70 kilocalories per piece. The main reason for this is their high water content of over 80 percent.

The soluble fiber contained in the skin not only stimulates digestion, it also serves as food for the good intestinal bacteria and keeps you full for a long time. An apple for dessert or as a snack between meals prevents you from reaching for other high-calorie alternatives between meals.

In a study of over 100,000 participants, researchers concluded that eating apples daily for years can have a positive impact on body weight. Ref.


Apples provide lots of healthy fiber and have a positive impact on body weight.

No 2. Avocado

Incredible but true, avocados are not just berries and can be counted as a fruit for weight loss despite their high-fat content.

Adding half an avocado to lunch boosted fullness and decreased the desire to eat during the next five hours, according to a study of 26 healthy, overweight people.

In addition, eating a whole avocado as part of a fat-neutral diet has positive effects on cholesterol levels. The important thing to remember here is that avocado is not only added to the diet, but it also replaces other sources of fat.

Along the way, avocados also provide plenty of potassium, vitamin K, and folic acid, which is especially important for pregnant women. Ref.


Avocados count as a fruit. Due to their satiating effect, they help with weight loss and support the regulation of cholesterol levels.

No 3. Banana

Bananas, like avocados, are high-calorie fruits, but their low glycemic index keeps blood sugar levels constant, reducing cravings.

Especially for people with diabetes, a constant blood glucose level is associated with fewer complications and a lower HbA1c level. At the same time, daily consumption of bananas reduces cholesterol levels as well as blood pressure in people with high blood pressure.

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With a calorie content of 140 kilocalories each, bananas provide important micronutrients such as potassium, magnesium, manganese, and antioxidants that protect cells from free radicals. Ref.


Although bananas are high in sugar and therefore high in calories, they prevent cravings during dieting and also provide important minerals.

No 4. Berries

Berries include, for example, raspberries, blueberries, and strawberries. They are all characterized by a low calorie density and a high nutrient density. For instance, 100 grams of raspberries include lots of folic acid, vitamin C, potassium, and calcium despite only having 43 kilocalories.

In addition to 46 kilocalories per 100 grams, blueberries contain particularly high levels of antioxidants, which protect cells from damage and skin from aging.

Eaten plain as a snack or with yogurt and oatmeal for breakfast, berries are the perfect fruit for weight loss or in a conscious diet. Ref.


Berries are true nutrient bombs and are perfect as a low-calorie snack.

No 5. Grapefruit

As a citrus fruit, grapefruits are especially known for their high vitamin C content. One-half of a grapefruit already provides half of the necessary amount. As a weight-loss fruit, grapefruit is particularly suitable because of its low caloric density (45 kilocalories per 100 grams) and low glycemic index.

In a study of 85 obese (BMI 30-39) participants, intake of grapefruit or grapefruit juice before meals was associated with lower caloric intake as well as weight loss. In addition, the fruit had positive effects on cholesterol levels. Ref.


Grapefruits inhibit cravings due to their low glycemic index. In addition, eating the fruit before a meal reduces caloric intake.

No 6. Cherries

Cherries belong to the stone fruits and are rich in potassium, manganese, and phosphorus. The trace element manganese is involved in the formation of bones and cartilage; it also contributes to the synthesis of proteins and fats. Since the substance is also involved in the production of the happiness hormone dopamine, eating cherries can even make you happy.

When dieting, cherries are a great low-calorie (65 calories per 100 grams) snack instead of chips or cookies. The perfect fruit for weight loss, in other words! Ref.


Just like berries, cherries are full of important nutrients with few calories.

No 7. Kiwi

The small fruits are super suitable, peeled or unpeeled, as a healthy snack that keeps you full for a long time due to their high fiber content (about 3 grams per piece).

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At the same time, kiwis have a low glycemic index. This means that blood sugar levels remain constant and cravings are counteracted.

A study on prediabetics found a significant correlation between the consumption of two kiwifruit per day and a decrease in blood pressure and hip circumference. Ref.


Kiwis contain a lot of fiber and, when eaten daily, can lower blood pressure as well as reduce hip circumference.

No 8. Passion fruit

Passion fruit, or passion fruit, is an exotic fruit with a pithy, slightly tart flesh. When the fruits are already shriveled on the outside, they taste best.

They contain only 13 kilocalories per serving but are high in the micronutrients vitamin C, folic acid, beta-carotene, and potassium. Beta-carotene is important for the eyes and nerves, while potassium protects muscles, especially the heart.

Piceatannol, a substance found in passion fruit, has been linked in studies to improved and tightened skin and insulin sensitivity in overweight men. However, further research is needed in this area. Ref.


Five of the small fruits provide less than 100 kilocalories while containing many important nutrients. Passion fruit may also improve skin appearance and insulin sensitivity.

No 9. Melon

Pure water: although watermelon, honeydew melon and Galia melon are so sweet, they are about 90 percent water, making them the perfect fruit for weight loss in the summer.

Plus, for under 100 kilocalories, you can eat a large serving of 250 grams of watermelon. The abundant water content keeps you full for a long time and, especially in summer, protects against dehydration. Be careful with other types of melon: honeydew melon, for example, provides almost 50 kilocalories more for the same portion.

Caution: despite the low calorie density and high water content, you should limit your melon consumption because the fruit has a high glycemic index, which works against keeping blood sugar levels constant. This is especially dangerous for diabetics and also promotes cravings. Ref.


Watermelons have a low-calorie density and are a perfect afternoon snack, especially in the summer.

No 10. Orange

Citrus fruits are distinguished by both their low calorie density and high vitamin C content. For example, a medium-sized orange has only about 100 kilocalories, yet it already covers 20 percent of the recommended fiber intake. Dietary fiber reduces appetite and keeps the intestines healthy.


But, you should stay away from orange juice if you’re trying to lose weight. On the one hand, orange juice from the supermarket often contains a lot of sugar, and on the other hand, studies have found that eating whole fruit keeps you full longer than drinking the same amount of juice. Ref.


Oranges are very low in calories while high in fiber. For longer satiety, it is better to eat the fruit whole instead of squeezed.

FAQs – the most frequently asked questions

How much fruit should I eat per day to lose weight?
When eating fruit to lose weight, it is important that the calories fit into your balance so you do not take in more calories than you burn. Also, since it is important for weight loss that you consume fruit as a substitute for higher-calorie snacks, you should not eat beyond your hunger or appetite. You are very well advised with the daily intake of two handfuls recommended by the German Nutrition Society.

Which fruit is not suitable for losing weight?
In general, any fruit that has few calories and a high water content is suitable. Less suitable for weight loss are fruits such as dates and grapes, because they have a very high fructose content. Here you will find the fruit varieties with the lowest fructose content.

Does it make a difference in weight loss whether I eat fruit in the morning or in the evening?
Because fruit provides readily available energy due to its sugar content, it is better to eat it in the first half of the day. For example, add an apple to your cereal and eat a few berries in the morning to last until lunch. If you are no longer active in the evening, vegetables and whole grains, such as pasta, are best for dinner.

Knowledge to go

Since a healthy diet is essential for a successful diet, fruit should also be a regular part of your diet. Particularly good fruits for weight loss are those varieties that have a high water content, low glycemic index, and lots of fiber.

When eating fruit, make sure that it is unprocessed and unsugared. It is recommended to consume two handfuls of fruit per day, whether on a diet or not.