Black seed oil

8 Black Cumin oil benefits: skin, Health, and side effects

If you look more deeply into the numerous scientific articles about black cumin oil, one thing becomes quite clear: there are few ailments for which the oil can not help the body. Black cumin oil causes virtually no side effects and has a strong healing power.

In this article, you will learn what valuable nutrients are contained in black cumin oil and what the health benefits of taking and using black cumin oil are.

What IS Black CUMIN OIL?

Black cumin oil is obtained from the seed of black cumin (Nigella sativa), which belongs to the buttercup family. Black cumin is native to Southwest Asia, the Mediterranean region, and Africa. Nigella sativa is not related to true cumin. Black cumin has been cultivated for centuries for its aromatic, flavorful seeds, which are used as a spice or in natural medicine.

The most important and most researched active ingredient in black cumin oil is thymoquinone. Thymoquinone has been researched for its liver-protective, anti-inflammatory, anti-carcinogenic, and antioxidant properties. The seeds also contain alpha-herein, an ingredient with potential anti-cancer effects. Ref.

Black cumin also contains abundant:

  • Fatty acids (about 30 percent): These are primarily unsaturated fatty acids, including linoleic acid, oleic acid, and some saturated fatty acids.
  • Calcium, iron, sodium, copper, phosphorus, zinc, and potassium.
  • Carotene (provitamin A)
  • B vitamins, e.g. thiamine (B1), niacin and folic acid
  • Pyridoxine (vitamin B6) Ref.


Black cumin oil is considered a remedy for many ailments, for example:

  • Allergies
  • asthma
  • diabetes
  • High blood pressure
  • digestive problems
  • rheumatoid arthritis

It also strengthens the immune system, relieves inflammation, and fights infections. The oil is used externally to strengthen and treat skin and hair, for example, to treat acne, dry hair, and psoriasis, and to strengthen hair growth and dry skin.


No 1. Black cumin oil against allergies and hay fever

Black cumin oil can relieve the symptoms of seasonal allergies. In one study, hay fever allergy sufferers were given black seed oil daily. Within the first two weeks of treatment, there was an improvement in several symptoms (stuffy nose, itchy nose, runny nose, and sneezing). These results are most likely due to the anti-inflammatory properties and the fact that thymoquinone acts as an antihistamine.

In an analysis of four studies involving a total of 152 patients with various allergies, the researchers found that black seed oil relieved subjective symptoms such as asthma, eczema, and nasal congestion. The patients received daily black cumin oil capsules at a dosage of 40 to 80 mg per kg of body weight, which corresponds to a dose of two to four grams daily for a 50-kg person. Ref.

No 2. Black cumin oil strengthens the immune system

Numerous cell studies confirm the immune-boosting properties of thymoquinone, the main ingredient in black cumin. The effect on the immune system is very comprehensive. Immune cell activity is strengthened, and more antibodies are produced.

Black cumin has antioxidant effects at many different levels, including:

strengthens antioxidant enzymes in the liver, for example, glutathione.
protects various tissues from oxidative damage, for example, in the stomach, liver, kidneys, and blood vessels.
lowers the level of homocysteine.
promotes the activity of the body’s natural killer cells. These cells are crucial for your well-being. White blood cells called natural killer cells hunt after viruses in the body and neutralize them. They are one reason why you cannot get sick twice from the same virus. They also react to the formation of tumors. Since black seed oil increases the number of these natural killer cells, it helps to strengthen the body’s defenses and increases protection against flu, colds, and even viruses like hepatitis C.

No 3. Protects the skin

Among the most important properties of black cumin oil are its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. The oil fights clogged pores, and oily skin and relieves redness, irritation, and even eczema.

Used externally, black seed offers the following benefits:

  • Provides nutrients
  • Black cumin provides vitamins A, B, and C, as well as various minerals such as calcium, potassium, magnesium, and zinc, providing the skin with essential nutrients for a healthy appearance.
  • Reduces oily skin and clogged pores
  • Black seed oil combats oily skin. Just give it a try if you suffer from clogged pores and oily skin.
  • Moisturizes
  • Like many other natural oils, black seed oil contains numerous fatty acids that provide long-lasting moisture.
  • Lightens pigmentation spots
  • Regular application to the skin helps lighten dark spots. Vitamin A and various amino acids and fatty acids provide a youthful appearance.

No 4. Black cumin oil for gastrointestinal complaints and flatulence

Relieves digestive discomfort: Consuming black seed oil can help with stomach pain and cramps. The oil relieves flatulence and even ulcers.

Traditionally, black seed has been used to promote healthy digestion. Appropriate tinctures were and are used to treat indigestion, flatulence, loss of appetite, and diarrhea. Thymoquinone also fights yeast and other fungi. Scientists therefore suspect that the substance is also suitable for combating candida and other fungal infections in the digestive tract. Furthermore, studies have found a preventive effect. The researchers speculate that this effect can also be attributed to thymoquinone. The substance inhibits acid secretion, protects the mucous membrane lining, and protects the digestive tract.

No 5. with thymoquinone, against asthmatic complaints.

Relieves asthma symptoms: The anti-inflammatory properties of black seed oil can also relieve asthma symptoms. The anti-inflammatory effect extends to the respiratory tract, making black seed oil useful for combating bronchitis.

Preliminary studies suggest that asthma patients may benefit from taking it. Scientists published a study in the journal Phytotherapy Research in 2017. They explain that asthmatics who took black seed oil capsules had their symptoms significantly better controlled than subjects in the placebo group. Participants in the treatment group scored better on the corresponding rating scale compared to the control group. The severity and frequency of symptoms improved, especially with regard to wheezing. Scientists attribute this, at least in part, to the antispasmodic as well as bronchodilator effects (e.g., relief of muscle spasms and widening of airways) of thymoquinone and other active compounds in black seed oil.

No 6. Black cumin oil relieves joint pain

The anti-inflammatory properties of black cumin and its effect on rheumatism and inflammatory diseases were researched in the 1960s by a group of scientists from the Pharmaceutical Department of Kings College in London. They tested black cumin oil as well as its derivative, thymoquinone, as an anti-inflammatory. The scientists discovered that black cumin oil has antioxidant effects and inhibits certain short-lived tissue hormones that cause inflammation. The antioxidants in the oil slowed cartilage deterioration. This inhibitory effect led the researchers to the idea that other compounds in black seed oil were responsible for enhanced anti-inflammatory responses within cells. They concluded that the pharmacological properties of black cumin and its derivatives provided sufficient evidence for the efficacy of traditional uses in the treatment of rheumatism and other inflammatory diseases.

Black cumin oil can be used supportively in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. It can relieve pain in the joints due to rheumatoid arthritis. In another study, women with rheumatoid arthritis were given 500 mg of black seed oil in capsule form twice daily. As a result, the participants suffered less from swollen joints and morning stiffness. Researchers in a more recent study found that in women with mild to moderate rheumatoid arthritis, taking black seed oil had a positive effect on levels of certain inflammatory markers in the blood that are associated with the disease (e.g., C-reactive protein).

No 7. Black cumin oil has anticarcinogenic properties.

Research regarding the anticancer properties of black seed oil is still in its infancy but is promising. In several laboratory studies, scientists confirmed that the main active compound in black seed oil, thymoquinone, can induce cell death in cancer cells and slow the metastasis of a variety of cancers, including breast cancer and melanoma. However, more research is needed to determine the oil’s cancer-fighting properties in humans.

No 8. Helps keep diabetes under control

According to statements in the 2015 Complementary Therapies in Medicine, black seed oil may help at least some diabetics. The researchers analyzed previous studies that examined the effects of black seed on diabetes. They concluded that the plant can improve blood glucose as well as cholesterol levels in the blood by affecting the release of insulin as well as the absorption of glucose.


Sometimes an allergic rash occurs when the oil is taken orally or applied to the skin. Therefore, before using it for the first time, check a small area of your skin to see if you are allergic to the oil. Do not apply the oil to your eyes or mucous membranes.

When taking black seed oil, you may experience stomach pain, vomiting, or diarrhea. In some patients, the risk of seizures increases.

If you are pregnant, breastfeeding, taking medications, or ill (especially if you have diabetes, low blood pressure, or bleeding disorders), you should talk to your doctor before using or taking black seed oil. Stop using or taking black seed oil at least two weeks before a scheduled surgery.

As with all essential oils, keep black seed oil away from children, heat, and sunlight. Ref.